2015 Hab's For Hasbro Surfcasting Tournament |
Written by John Redmond
2015 Hab's For Hasbro Surfcasting Tournament In Memory of John Haberek Sr. The Needlefish KinG! October 14 - 18
Dates/Times: Thur 10/14 at 6:00 p.m. to Sunday 10/18 at 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $20 Per Angler
Format: Catch/Photo/Release
Method: Surfcasting Only
Species: Striped Bass
Scoring: 1 point per whole inch.
Awards Ceremony: Sunday 10/18 4 p.m. Coddington Brewery, 210 Coddington Hwy. Middletown, RI
John "Habs" Haberek was the undisputed needlefish king throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. Not only was he an excellent plug maker with an exacting eye for detail and quality, but he was also a great guy that most of the surfcasting community during that time felt they could call a friend. We lost him in September 2007, but his legacy lives on in his plugs that are still catching today and through the limited runs that his son, John Jr., puts out when he has the time. In 2008 John's friends and family got together to create a Rhode Island tournament in his honor and it was very well received, by 2009 it had expanded to include Massachusetts. The tourney enjoyed great success through 2011 but it was not planned for 2012 and hasn't been resurrected until now!
How it works
The key is to set up your measurement location before you make a cast. This will ensure that you can get the fish back in the water as quickly as possible. Selfie Picture Have your partner shoot the pic, break out the selfie-stick or kick it old school selfie style, just make sure your face and the fish's face are visible. Set Her Free Picture The whole point of this format is to be able to compete without having to kill the fish. Please take the time to revive your catch to ensure a safe release.
The Rules
1. The Habs For Hasbro Tournament is a catch, photo and release contest. The tournament runs 6 p.m. Wednesday October 14th to 10 a.m. Sunday October 18th. 2. Only rod and reel, surf-caught striped bass are eligible for entry, with a minimum size of 28 INCHES. 3. A TOURNAMENT TAG will be made available for download between 1 and 3 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14th. You must print the TAG at a width of five (5) inches or more and it must be visible in all of your measurement photos. 4. There are no boundaries dictating where you can or cannot fish. 5. All fish entered must be caught in a surfcasting situation. A surfcasting situation constitutes contacting the ground, rocks, beach or a dock with ones feet. 6. All fish must be measured using a tape or ruler that shows inches; we strongly recommend a folding ruler or a metal tape measure. If you elect to use a cloth or vinyl "tailor's tape" you must do something to ensure that the tape is stretched tight. Photos showing a sagging or crumpled tape will not be counted. 7. To enter a fish you must submit two (2) photographs; one showing the fish in the hands of the angler who caught it (“selfies” are fine) and a second showing the fish lying next to a ruler or tape to show length and accompanied by the TOURNAMENT TAG. 8. Points are earned by tallying inches—one point per inch. Measurements shall be made from the tip of the lower lip to the tip of the tail. We recommend placing the "0" end of the tape at the tip of the tail and taking the measurement from the lip. 9. Rounding of your measurement will be determined by the half-inch, if your fish’s length falls short of the next half-inch mark then you will ROUND DOWN to the nearest WHOLE INCH, if your fish stretches past the next half-inch line you will ROUND UP to the nearest WHOLE INCH. 10. Scores will be determined by adding up the lengths of the three (3) longest fish caught by each angler. 11. All fish must be entered within 24 hours of being caught (yes we will check). And the last call for photo entry is 12 p.m., NOON, 12-hundred hours, on Sunday, October 18th. 12. Any photo showing a blurry or illegible ruler will be disqualified. 13. Any photo where more than eight (8) inches of the ruler is obscured by the body of the fish will be disqualified. 14. In the event of a tie, the angler with the larger fish in his tally will break the tie. If both anglers have the same three sizes, the angler who entered a fish earliest in the tournament will break the tie. If both anglers entered their identical fish at the exact same time, I give up... no, they will have to play one game of Horse to determine the winner. 15. Cheating will not be tolerated, we have a guy that can tell if you photoshopped your pics, don't try any other antics. But seriously, cheating is bad enough, but if you cheat in a tournament that is being held in someone's memory AND that's donating money to a children's hospital, you're due to be haunted by some serious demons dude, not cool.