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Old 04-22-2009, 08:11 AM   #1
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Hug a Dictator

get stabbed in the back

Cuba's atrocious record on race was somehow overlooked by the Congressional Black Caucus. Last week the Stalinist regime that jailed and tortured the longest suffering black political prisoner in modern history (Eusebio Penalver) rolled out the red carpet for 6 smitten members of the CBC. All of these U.S. legislators met with "President" Raul Castro while a lucky three secured back-stage passes to meet Fidel himself.

"He looked directly into my eyes!" gasped Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca.) "and then he asked: how can we help President Obama? Fidel Castro really wants President Obama to succeed." (no doubt!)

"It was quite a moment to behold!" hyperventilated Rep. Barbara Lee. (D-CA) "Fidel Castro was very engaging and very energetic."

"He's one of the most amazing human beings I've ever met!" gushed Emanuel Cleaver(D-Mo)

"Raul Castro was a very engaging, down-to-earth and kind man," according to Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) "someone who I would favor as a neighbor. It was almost like visiting an old friend," (a Freudian slip, perhaps? Bobby Rush, after all, was a card-carrying Black Panther who did prison time)

Lest we forget: these Black U.S. legislators were raving about a regime that jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin, and executed more people (out of a population of 6.4 million) in its first three years in power than Hitler executed (out of a population of 70 million) in the Reich's first six.

"The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent... We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the Cuban revolution. By which I mean: NOTHING!"
- (Ernesto "Che" Guevara.)

Fidel Castro says Obama misinterpreted his brother's remarks
The former Cuban president rejects suggestions that the island should free political prisoners or cut taxes on remittances from the U.S.
The Associated Press

HAVANA -- Former Cuban President Fidel Castro said President Obama misinterpreted remarks by his brother and successor, Raul, and bristled at the suggestion that the island should free political prisoners or cut taxes on remittances from abroad as a goodwill gesture to the U.S.

Obama at the Summit of the Americas said Washington seeks a new beginning with Cuba, but he also said Sunday that Cuba should release some political prisoners and reduce official taxes on remittances sent to the island from the U.S.

That appeared to enrage Fidel Castro, 82, who wrote in an essay posted on a government website that Obama "without a doubt misinterpreted Raul's declarations."
The former president appeared to be throwing cold water on expectations for improved bilateral relations -- suggesting that Obama had no right to urge Cuba to make even small concessions. He also seemed to suggest too much was being made of Raul's comments about discussing everything with U.S. authorities.

"Nobody should assume that he was talking about pardoning those sentenced in March 2003 and sending all of them to the United States, if the country were willing to liberate the five Cuban anti-terrorist heroes," Castro wrote.

He was referring to 75 leading political opposition leaders who were rounded up and imprisoned six years ago. Some 54 of them remain behind bars, though Raul Castro suggested last year that Cuba would be willing to liberate some political prisoners if U.S. authorities would free five Cuban spies.

Castro compared the prisoners arrested in 2003 to exiles who attacked the island's southern coast during the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 and said they were "at the service of a foreign power that threatens and blockades our country," referring to charges they conspired with Washington to destabilize the communist system.

The ex-president had previously expressed admiration for Obama, but this time Castro blasted the new U.S. president for showing signs of "superficiality."

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Old 04-22-2009, 09:49 AM   #2
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They're idiots.

It's one thing to relax the Embargo and trade restrictions. It's another thing to invite him over for dinner and break open the expensive wine.

For the last 50+ years, the Castro family has destroyed Cuba while at the same time posing as an annoying threat to our security on multiple occasions. Their relations with the Soviets during the Cold War set the groundwork for nutjobs like Chavez.

Aside from over-hyped mediocre cigars, relaxing relations with Cuba provides little benefit for us.
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Old 04-22-2009, 10:53 AM   #3
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who are the "idiots" JD?

the Castro's?...can't be them, they have the best healthcare and education system in the that we should model our own after....and they get free government rice cookers...

the members of the CBC?...I might agree with that but then I'd be called racist...

the Obama Administration?

from the Jerusalem Post

The picture of the president of the United States smiling broadly as he met President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela startled me. Our president is a nice guy. Chavez is anything but.

The State Department maintains that Chávez has attacked democratic traditions and has put Venezuelan democracy on life support with unchecked concentration of power, political persecution, and intimidation. Foreign Affairs magazine says that Chávez is a power-hungry dictator with autocratic and megalomaniacal tendencies whose authoritarian vision and policies are a serious threat to his people. In testimony before the US Senate, the South American project director for the Center for Strategic International Studies said that Chavez's government engages in "arresting opposition leaders, torturing some members of the opposition (according to human rights organizations) and encouraging, if not directing, its squads of Bolivarian Circles to beat up members of Congress and intimidate voters-all with impunity."

In spite of a presidential term limit of six years, Chávez has suggested that he would like to remain in power for 25 years. Hmmm. An autocratic dictator who abuses human rights and undermines democracy being warmly embraced by the American president. There's something wrong with that picture.

WHAT???? TORTURE???? we're the only ones that torture....I'm guessing that what we do is a feather tickle on the bottom of the feet compared to these regimes and others.....but we're the bad guys....

keep hugging them fool... just matter of time.....
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Old 04-22-2009, 12:45 PM   #4
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The CBC and they're little publicity stunt.

Glad my tax dollars went to it.
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:45 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
Cuba's atrocious record on race was somehow overlooked by the Congressional Black Caucus.
If I remember my history correctly, Castro set foot on the other side of the Strait to visit "gasp" Malcolm X in 1960 and stayed at the Hotel Theresa, a black owned luxury hotel - something of a rarity these days. Castro is somewhat of a folk hero uptown.

Cuba may have an atrocious record when it comes to human rights abuses of political dissidents, but I suspect it is not because they are Afro-Cuban or the color of their skin. The interesting thing about race is the malleability of the selection criteria by region and culture; it changes throughout the Carribean, the Central American isthmus and South America. Obama might not even be considered "black" according to cuban cultural standards, Brazilian standards, etc..., for let us not forge that the "1 drop rule" was a construct endemic to the ante-bellum south.

Although the historical prevalence of intermarriage between indians, slaves and europeans impededes accurate assesment, I've heard estimates that indicate that anywhere between 65% and %35 of the Cuban population are descendants, in one way or another, from African slaves. According to your post, seems like there is much self-hatred going on down there....

Originally Posted by scottw View Post
"The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent... We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the Cuban revolution. By which I mean: NOTHING!"
- (Ernesto "Che" Guevara.)
Is this quote from the "Congo Diary". If it is, its important to put things in context. Namely the fact that he became disillusioned with the black Congo revolutionaries he allied himself with against an imperial Belgium and their sympathizers. He lamented that the local Africans were indifferent to the marxist ideology he was trying to export into Africa as evidenced by the subsequent struggle which proved disastrous for him. I don't know that he despised blacks, considering he left Cuba to fight imperialism in Africa. To the contrary, it was more likely his beef with their reluctance to welcome his vision.

He did have this to say about Jim Crow in america though. Not that this negates any of his expressed "racism". For the purposes of context, this was an address to the U.N. in 1964.

""Those who kill their own children and discriminate daily against them because of the color of their skin; those who let the murderers of blacks remain free, protecting them, and furthermore punishing the black population because they demand their legitimate rights as free men — how can those who do this consider themselves guardians of freedom?"
-Che Guevara
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:55 PM   #6
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Germans took the cake on torture

they made it a science.
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:00 PM   #7
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good stuff ES, I don't think there's much question in the first quote regarding his feelings...the quote that you provide sounds like he's trying to establish some kind of moral relativism with Jim Crow/America which is what I guess you might expect from a rabid mass murderer ranting at the UN...
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