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Old 01-14-2012, 08:43 PM   #64
time to go
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
There were scattered chemical weapons made in the 1980's, prior to our 1990 invasion, which according to the article you posted "The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added."

That was not why we went to war. That is not what we were told they had. It was a current and imminent threat, including a false report of an attempt to buy nuclear materials that was presented to congress and via state of the union. Prior to the speeches by Bush and Powell, the report was deemed not credible, but went forward against the advice of the person who originated the report.

This is such old news it is ridiculous. Why the heck do followers of conservative talk radio keep spewing the childish cry of left wing liberal media bs. It is such horse manor. This isn't China, you can get your news from any source you like and it all concludes that there was no weapons program.
Nice reply see we are finding common ground there were indeed WMD's.
The rest of the reply shall we say leaves me baffled because you state this as facts without providing links which could reinforce your argument. For example who deemed it false and what proof did they have?
When it comes to weapon programs how on earth can anyone prove there were or were not any programs going on without being part of Saddam's regimen? This is a very long report:
Iraq: A Chronology of UN Inspections | Arms Control Association

Remember the inspectors were not allowed into the mosque and were not given total access to any where they wanted to go:
Iraq: A Chronology of UN Inspections | Arms Control Association

You say it is ridiculous and old news but consider the fact that I am no longer an avid talk radio fan, which when I was I listened to both sides all day long so I would be better prepared to discuss the issues knowing what both sides had to say. I don't watch foxnews or for that matter much news at all primarily because no matter how much I learned and presented to others they refused to listen and voted this guy into office. Lets just say I gave up on trying to sway anyones opinion after he was voted in. I sincerely hoped he would be a great president not only because I want what is best for this country but also because he was non-Caucasian and I hoped this would once and for all end the racial tensions. I have since realized the tensions will never go away and once again have almost given up hope.
I hope we are getting closer toward respecting each others opinion and look forward to your reply, if you chose to reply again.
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