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Old 01-05-2023, 09:16 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
It’s why the US is now nothing more than a managed democracy. When (most) of our elected officials have become beholden to campaign funding from special interests/lobbyists/corporations/billionaires, legislating for the public good becomes a conflict of interest & thus impossible.
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There's a lot of truth there. It's a kind of the emergence of fascism. And its been emerging for a long time, at least a century, and we're getting closer to beyond emerging and to actually arriving. And it has a lot more to do with the Progressive movement's goal of managing society by government fiat and expertise than much, if anything, to do with the MAGA Movement which is far less authoritarian, more freedom oriented, more against being managed, more of a don't tread on me than a give me a government controlled existence.
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