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Old 11-10-2022, 07:48 AM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro pulled off bigger upsets than Ron DeSantis. What would you rather have? A candidate that can win in a swing state or a candidate that wins big in a state largely full of their own voters?

Florida is Florida (and TX is TX), but does an anti-abortion-access/anti-science/anti-corporation presidential candidate attract moderate Rs and Is?
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I never said Desantis’ win was an upset. Never came close to saying it. his margin of victory is impressive, his win in Miami Dade is noteworthy, and his accomplishments are extraordinary. 850 people
a day are moving to FL. 850 a day.

Whitmer, similarly, wasn’t an upset. She’s an incumbent who isn’t unpopular with her party.

Shapiro is impressive.

Desantis is a big reason why FL isn’t a swing state right now. 4 years ago he won by a point. tuesday he won by 20. show me an incumbent who won de election, who i creased his margin of history by 20 points?

Florida was a swing state until Desantis took over. You’ll
never admit it, but he simply a solid leader. The good thing is, it doesn’t matter at all that you can’t admit it. it’s true whether you like it or not.

who is anti science? Desantis? He’s one of the i my governors who got the science right on covid, one of the only ones who bucked the trend and kept his state unemployment way below national averages and kept kids in school. again, no one cares if you hate that fact. It’s still a fact.

who’s anti corporation? I’m curious who you’re saying is anti corporation.

you’re coming unglued my man.
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