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Old 07-19-2022, 03:33 PM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Red states have lower taxes but Blue states are better in almost every other category. I wonder how much worse off those red states would be in there wasn't a transfer of wealth from the blue states?

After the 2016 election, Mark Muro, the policy director of the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Project, found that the 472 counties Hillary Clinton won produced 64% of the country’s economic output, while the 2,584 counties Donald Trump won contributed just 36%. That was a significant jump from the 2000 election, when the blue-red county economic split was 54% to 46%. Muro dubbed this divide “high-output America” vs. “low-output America.”
Last year, after Biden defeated Trump, Muro looked again and found that the economic output divide has grown even more pronounced. The 520 counties Biden won account for fully 71% of U.S. gross domestic product, while the 2,564 that Trump carried produced just 29%. In other words, America’s economic engine is bluer than ever.
if blue states are better in ways that people actually cared about, people
would be moving to blue states instead of fleeing them.

You have self-serving theory. I have hard,,irrefutable, meaningful facts.

You’re right, the wealthy are almost all democrat now. That changed very quickly. When the wealthy were all conservative,,liberals said it was bad to cater to the rich. all of. sudden it’s a good thing.

Lower income working people
loved trump. Loved him. You obviously think that’s a bad thing. which seems elitist. but whatever.
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