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Old 07-06-2022, 04:51 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Only gun dealers with a Federal Firearms License are required to do a background check before selling a gun in Texas, not private sellers. Texas has NO state requirement for more comprehensive background checks when purchasing a firearm. Therefore, persons prohibited from owning firearms can easily obtain a gun - on the internet, at a gun show, even from a private seller out of the trunk of a car.
In states like Texas with no state-required background check, research has shown that 57% of private gun sales were done with no background check.
Around 80% of all firearms acquired for criminal purposes are obtained through transfers from unlicensed sellers. Including the purchase of his firearm by the Odessa/Midland mass shooter.
Texans overwhelmingly (79%) support universal background checks.

But it’s a mental health problem
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
you’re dismissing the mental health problem because you don’t happen to like it. Utter failures in mental health policy are precisely why Newtown happened.

i’m totally fine with expanded background checks and probably ok with red flag laws although they’re ripe for abuse.

you’re also focused on the mass showings for political reasons, and completely ignoring garden variety handgun violence, which is irrefutably a much bigger problem.

that doesn’t mean we don’t consider your ideas about mass shootings. But like a dutiful liberal you only care about the smaller problem and ignore the issue hat claims far more lives. why can’t we address. both?

Because talking about the true causes of urban gun violence, is a political loser for the left, and you all know it. So it gets swept under the rug.

Black lives only matter when they help democrats win elections.

i think you have some good ideas. you’d have more good ideas, if you’d be willing to put down the Kool Aid and think outside the parameters of what liberalism tells you to think.

there’s good ideas in both sides. but both sides only talk about the good ideas that help them win elections. . both sides do it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by Jim in CT; 07-06-2022 at 05:10 AM..
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