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Old 03-22-2020, 10:23 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
In the middle of a global pandemic, our “leader” spends twenty minutes of his press conference complaining about the money the Trump family has lost running for president, thank you Donald for making my case on the pathetic messaging.
Apparently, you didn't actually hear the press briefing. It wasn't in the middle of the briefing, it was toward the end of it, and it wasn't 20 minutes as you state, more like 5 or 6. And it was in response to a pointed, bit nasty, question (considering the collapse of the stock market) if he was profiting from stocks. He calmly explained that, no he did not make money off of stocks, he isn't invested in stocks. And contrary to your notion that he complained about how much money he lost running for President and even more while being President, he said he was very happy he did it. Essentially, and contrary to your narrative that it is all selfishly about him, it was worth being able to serve the country and to help it and the American people.

The whole press conference (about an hour and a half) was well "messaged" with a temperate tone, authoritative commentary with details of the administration plans, and with the proper amount of caution and understanding that it is a crisis, but without the gloom and doom, and with the confidence that we will, together, win the war with this virus, and the economy will come back strong due to a pent up demand.

I don't know how that makes your case. Actually, your whole characterization of him (his "messaging," and this press briefing in particular) seems to be way off--as if your listening to voices in your anti-Trump head (I know you said that you're not merely regurgitating media and political narrative but are thinking for yourself).

Last edited by detbuch; 03-22-2020 at 11:06 PM..
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