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Old 12-17-2019, 04:29 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Pete, you quoted a guy who wrote "Everything Trump Touches, Dies".

Please tell that to everyone in the country who works as a wealth advisor. Tell that to everyone who is amazed at the quarterly statements about their 401ks and IRAs. Tell that to injured vets whose students loans he signed to forgive.

Hyperbole and fear tactics are easy. Can we try something different? Pete, without quoting a 10,000 word essay by someone else, can you tell me in your own words, which core principles of our nation, which fundamentally American institutions, which essential parts of our national fiber, exactly, has Trump either killed off already, or which are on life support thanks to Trump?

Because other then the debt (admittedly a big one), I don't see it. I see exactly zero evidence that America won't endure his term(s) just fine. Where am I wrong?

He's a narcissistic, egotistical, vindictive, vulgar, arrogant baby, and a pathetic excuse for a husband and a father. But what American institutions is he truly threatening?

The Supreme Court is still there, and has on more than one occasion struck him down when he went too far. Congress is still there, one chamber controlled by the opposition party, and they write the laws and budgets, not him. God knows the media is still there, telling us 24/7 that he is the reincarnation of Hitler, giving you fodder to post your anti-Trump manifestos three times a day. Trump can't stop any of that, plenty of people hate him and aren't shy about saying so, and none have gone to the Gulag.

So please tell us, what, exactly, is in jeopardy? Domestically, things are pretty good, except for the political divisiveness, of which Trump is a contributor, but he has plenty of company. Abroad, China and Russia are on the move, but have been since long before he got there. So we can debate the best policy to deal with these threats, but China and Russia surely didn't stop in their tracks from 2009-2016.

What is he on the verge of destroying, exactly? I keep hearing the idea, no one ever provides specifics. Presumably because they can't. The claim is all fizz and no gin.
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