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Old 11-30-2022, 10:06 AM   #1
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seditious conspiracy Conviction

So still a peaceful protest

persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse”.

Or as I heard here their just a few thugs

What happened to the FBI let them in or it was Antifa

DeSantis slammed Democrats and the media for making so much hay of the event.

"This is their Christmas, January 6th," he said. "They are going to take this and milk this for anything they could to try to be able to smear anyone who ever supported Donald Trump​."
I think it's going to be nauseating, quite frankly."

And he wants to be POTUS. Lol

We're ashamed of nothing," said GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida during an appearance with Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on a podcast hosted by former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, who has been indicted for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the insurrection. "We're proud of the work that we did on Jan. 6 to make legitimate arguments about election integrity."

Greene slammed Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, another potential 2024 contender, for having characterized the anniversary as an event marking "a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol"

She accused Cruz of disrespecting "MAGA patriots" and "people that rioted at the Capitol and did breach the Capitol."

So in the revisionist history of the GOP. It was

Instead of an attempt to overturn the election by radicalized Donald Trump supporters, it was a choreographed attack staged by antifa provocateurs. Rather than an armed insurrection, it was a good-natured protest spoiled by a few troublemakers.

And still with these convictions it’s but but Hunter , let’s investigate origins of Covid. Looting . Afghan withdrawal.

And let’s not forget the defense of marriage act. Passed.
And these republicans voted against it all geez and red states . Reps

These are the Republicans who voted against the bill:

John Barrasso, Wyoming
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
John Boozman, Arkansas
Mike Braun, Indiana
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
John Cornyn, Texas
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
Kevin Cramer, North Dakota
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Ted Cruz, Texas
Steve Daines, Montana
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Bill Hagerty, Tennessee
Josh Hawley, Missouri
John Hoeven, North Dakota
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi
Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
John Kennedy, Louisiana
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Mike Lee, Utah
Roger Marshall, Kansas
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Jim Risch, Idaho
Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Marco Rubio, Florida
Rick Scott, Florida
Tim Scott, South Carolina
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