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Old 01-10-2023, 06:21 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Wayne, using your exact words, can I simply say "there was a reason" and that's good enough? Or is that only good enough for you to use?

I'm not an extremist. But there are unelected people in DC who are very powerful and have been there way too long. Obviously not every federal employee fits into that category. But there are some.

In a democracy, only those we elect should be able to make policy. That way we can vote them out if we don't like what they're doing.
Not judges, not bureaucrats. Do you disagree? That's a sincere question, not a gotcha question.

1st I said everything happened for a reason and are easily explained and justified

The gop has not shown explanation or a justification for needing an 1875 rule. Or investigating the investigators

Of course their are unelected bureaucrats in DC we have a supreme court full of them

Not sure why unelected maters when the position . Doesn’t require it

Of course the GOP won’t name these unelected positions and would they just replace them with other unelected people?who have pledged allegiance to them not the nation?

To answer you question as I understand it.

Federal bureaucrats don’t make policy they interpret laws and apply the rules and make decisions because congress has empowered them to do.

The reason judges seem to be making policies is the congress won’t fix what’s broken and some courts like the SJC. Are accepting cases they should be refusing. So state’s attorney keep going back because their nonsensical arguments keep being entertained

We have a court taking a case based on a woman’s business

That only exists on paper?

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by wdmso; 01-10-2023 at 06:47 PM..
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