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Old 03-02-2012, 08:50 AM   #196
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Mostly because of a very strong fossil fuel lobby. You are a math guy right? Try adding in all of the costs associated w/ oil, coal, natural gas into the mix and see where it comes out. You might be suprised. It would have to be an honest assessment that includes the cost of military involvement in the middle east, taxes and special tax breaks, etc. It is pretty complicated, but the numbers are interesting.

Also, the Volt a crappy car? I don't know where you get your info on that, but it has been almost unanimously received as a well made, incredible piece of engineering and gets excellent reviews for performance. Was that just "hyperbole", too?
"the Volt a crappy car? I don't know where you get your info on that"

From consumer demand. Even with a $7500 tax credit thanks to Komrade Obama, nobody wants them. (allow the hyperbole, as the truth is, almost nobody wants them).

Hard Times For the Chevy Volt - HUMAN EVENTS

Zimmy, you corrcetly stated that when you talk about the cost of oil, lots of thing sneed to be factored in. Try reading the link I posted, which talks about what the Volt ultimately costs, when you factor in the government subsidies.

And who ends up paying $40,000 for Chevy Volts? Not poor folks, but wealthy folks. So despite liberal claims that conservatives are the ones who want to make the rich richer, here is a case where Obama is giving everyone who buys a Volt (wealthy people), a $7500 thank-you from the feds.

How many janitors and men's room attendants are plunking down$40,000 for a car? Zero. I'd think bleeding heart liberals would be opposed to giving handouts to people who have $40,000 to purchase a car?

Almost nobody wants these cars. They're insanely expensive, and they're not practical.

No hyperbole. Just fact. Not facts that you will like, or even admit given your rabid fanaticism, but facts nonetheless.

Hard Times For the Chevy Volt - HUMAN EVENTS

"it has been almost unanimously received as a well made, incredible piece of engineering"

Despite some as-yet unexplained fires after crash-tests?

The Volt was a sales flop, despite the fact that the feds were offering a $7500 rebate.

What do you say, Zimmy?
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