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Old 01-16-2023, 03:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Russiagate wasn't about whether russian bots swung the election for Trump.

It was about whether the Trump camp was offered and accepted help more broadly from russia. The short answer to which is that they were and they did. This isn't speculation, it's proven fact.
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Your version of what Russiagate "was about" notwithstanding, it did not find sufficient evidence that Trump conspired with Russia in order to win the election.

Nor is there sufficient evidence that Russian "interference" influenced the outcome of the 2016 election.

What the twitter files release is about is OUR OWN government "deep state" interference, AND DIRECT INFLUENCE, in the flow of information to the public. That is, it's about the successful unconstitutional intrusion of the Federal Government and its successful attempts to censor public speech, and specifically--political speech.

That you prefer to dismiss that, especially in favor of trying to direct us away from unconstitutional suppression of speech, and instead focusing on inconclusively significant Russian "interference," raises questions about what you are ultimately loyal to.

You have openly, directly, supported the censorship of "conservative" speech. You have not denied that your view is authoritarian, is even unconstitutional. But, somehow, that it is right and just. Because you are certain that "conservative" speech will always lead to loss of freedom. In spite of the fact that your notion will, indisputably, lead to the loss of freedom for a good portion, maybe even most, of Americans.

You do not seem to think that your drastic, unconstitutional idea, could eventually, even quickly, become the precedent which validates authoritarian regimes. When government has such broad power to decide what speech is allowed, "freedom" becomes like a slogan on the entrance sign of a NAZI internment camp.

You have fairly consistently sided with Progressive notions of centralized bureaucracy--government or private. You sometimes give an equivocal nod to the constitution and its founders, but ultimately seem to, perhaps unconsciously, favor the notion that the Constitution no longer truly can be applied to "our time."

And you are willing to lie, slant, slander, do whatever it takes to overcome the restraints on government provided in the Constitution, in order to promote, in your opinion, the "good" for the people. That is usually the very notion promised to us by authoritarians who wish to rule us.

I am over with the Trump phenomenon. It has been enlightening. And what it has opened our eyes to, if we wish to see, is the gaping hole in that grand old parchment--and growing larger at the hands of Progressively created nearly untouchable, unconstitutional, government regulatory agencies--very visibly and specifically now--the security and intelligence agencies. Hey, Ike warned us. We liked Ike. My opinion is we should focus more on that than on the canard that Trump is Putin's puppet.

It's not anymore, really, about Trump or Democrat vs. Republican as it is filtered to us through the controlled eyes, ears, and lips of our news and information organizations. We should welcome the insights of independents such as Matt Taibbi, et. al., and be grateful to quirky figures like Musk who are willing to lose millions to expose clear and present dangers to "our democracy" or, as I prefer, to our Republic.
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