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Old 05-04-2021, 03:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Thinking back to the Bush era, can't say I ever would have predicted I'd live in a time when conservatives would spend all day attacking Cheney and favorably citing Glenn Greenwald. Live long enough, as they say...
Don't know specifically to whom you are referring. If its me, I don't spend all day attacking Cheney . . . don't recall doing it at all, though I think she deserves being "attacked".

Glenn Greenwald and I differ fundamentally about what our federal government, or government in general, should do or what it constitutionally can do. He is the rather rare journalist from the left who is objective and honest. I wouldn't doubt that he has written many articles with which I have some disagreement. But there are some progressive journalists that I respect in spite of their having a fundamentally different political view than mine. Glenn Greenwald is one of them. And I like citing them to quash the silly but convenient knee jerk dismissal by this site's lefties of any "conservative" journalist's opinion as being, ipso facto, biased.

Of course, when Greenwald wanders into what Dems consider traitorous, they disown him with their boiler plate condemnations.

Apparently you've lived long enough to see Republicans spend day after day ad nauseum attacking a Republican President with unproven, even obviously false accusations with the intention of defeating him and handing over control of the federal government to the Democrats--more radical Democrats, at that, than those in the days of FDR and Woodrow wilson.

And you've lived long enough to see the Democrat's about face, shifting from their signature hate of agencies like the CIA and FBI and their animosity against corporatism and monopolies, into a symbiotic support of and cooperation with what they once hated--all supported by our Progressive corporate media suppression of opposing speech and by our Progressively oriented higher and lower education system. All working hand in hand to create a fascistic state capitalist super state. And sparing no lie, deceit, pliant mass immigration, and novel Progressive "interpretation" of law to gather the power with which, for the good of "the people," they can, unobstructed, shape and define what life, thought, and humanity is and means in our time.
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