Thread: Is this true??
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Old 11-05-2015, 04:33 PM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
The current Repub. party has bc the party of "crazy birds" or whatever McCain called them.

His admiting he tried to kill someone, his stabbing someone, his attacking his mother w/a hammer, throwing a rock at someone's face, punching someone w/his fist around a lock won't make a bit of a difference to Repub. They will say it makes him strong.

If he wants to ramp up his fund raising, he needs to start throwing more insults around.
"The current Repub. party has bc the party of "crazy birds" or whatever McCain called them. "

OK, so every single Republican in the country, is gauged by the dumbest, meanest things that the current top 2 candidates say?

The top 2 on the other side are Hilary and Bernie. You want to be associated with the most outlandish things those 2 have said? You want to be held accountable for the fact that Hilary said that Bill didn't cheat on her, but he was being framed by the Republicans?

I think the 'Twilight Zone' theme could be the official song for the top 2 on both sides.

On the GOP side, it's unlikely that either Trump or Carson will be the nominee. Iowa is a funny state, sometimes fringe candidates do well there, and quickly fade away immediately after. I believe Rick Perry and Rick Santorum were the 2 previous winners in Iowa. Iowa is an early state, and carries a lot of weight early on.

You are right, it's embarassing to me that these 2 guys are in front. If I were a Democrat, I would be similarly ashamed of the top 2 on that side. SImilarly, Hilary can tell one lie after another, blame every scandal on a right wing conspiracy, and the voters don't hold her accountable (see every post by Spence in the Benghazi thread for examples of what I am referring to).

It's not unique to the GOP. But it's deranged, and I don't like it any more than you do.

Carson and Trump need to step aside and let the adults talk.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-05-2015 at 04:40 PM..
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