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Old 12-18-2017, 09:05 PM   #275
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
She didn't "slut shamed" She defended her husband as they both had been lied about for years and years by the right (maybe she did kill vince foster??). As has been stated, we (the collective we) did a crappy job dealing w/claims of sexual assualt and impropriety (back even bf Anita Hill). Times change and in this case for the better.

Don't tell me about moral authority when you seem to have no problem not calling for Trump to resign when the left called for Franken to resign. 650K Conserv. in Alabama just told us where their "moral authority" lies.

Bottom line - the conserv. have zero moral authority on this issue as long as Trump is still in office and no on calls for him to resign. The Dems have outplayed the Repubs on this issue and are showing they have zero moral authority. If you want to make the claim that both parties are equally crappy, I might agree but I doubt you are capable of making that claim.
"She didn't "slut shamed""

Oh. So when she referred to Bill's victims as "loony tunes narcissists", that was what?

"She defended her husband"

And what did she defend, exactly? His right to prey upon women...

"Times change and in this case for the better. "

Ah. And the fact that liberals didn't change their tine on abusing women, until Trump was elected and the Clintons became refuse, is what? A coincidence? As I said, selective outrage, is fake outrage. Not long ago, the pigs in Hollywood, led by Meryl Streep, gave a standing ovation to convicted child rapist Roman Polanski. I have something to learn from these hedonistic sodomites about how to treat women with respect?

"Don't tell me about moral authority when you seem to have no problem not calling for Trump to resign"

I said let's investigate.

There was photographic evidence of what Franken did, and he admitted it. You show me photos of Trump abusing women, I will scream at the top of my lungs for him to step down.

"The Dems have outplayed the Repubs on this issue"

Oh my yes, whch explains the results of all the elections since last November, of which the GOP lost one, and won several.

I cannot wait for 2018. The DNC is crapping their pants.
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