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Old 05-04-2020, 07:09 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I made no false statements
You have made many, many, false statements about Trump in the past 3 years. I used to routinely tell you that you were a lot like your version of him when it came to telling lies. There were post after post in which I pointed out you were wrong and you never proved me wrong, as well as point after point in various lists of lies you claimed Trump said, in which I pointed out you were wrong, or they weren't really lies, but which you presented as fact, and you never were able to rebut me.

There are so many of these that they melt together in an indistinguishable past so can't be specifically remembered. A few recent ones that come to mind:

Trump owes China 200 million dollars.

Posted a video which claimed Trump sent to China a massive load of our supplies we needed to fight the coronavirus.

Trump said Nazis are fine people.

Trump has done little positive for America.

Trump mocked a disabled person.

Trump is incapable of leading.

He is solely responsible for the death of the most Americans in history.

Our intelligence community warned Trump early about the danger of the virus, but this media narrative was denied by the intel director.
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