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Old 12-05-2021, 04:01 PM   #80
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Jim I’m curious if your or a family members daughter is raped by the evil uncle or a first date gone horribly wrong, is it your belief she should be forced to carry to term? So your daughter or a close friends gets married and in her first pregnancy, it’s determined there is a high likelihood the baby with serious abnormalities and irreversible health issues will likely not be viable if carried to term, in your belief system, in both scenarios your daughter needs to carry to term regardless of the health risks. Sorry for the young girl or women in either case. What if the girl is 13 at the time, still forcing her to carry to term Jim? Fuc*ed up is all I can say, I’m 100% behind a women being able to decide what course she takes.
that’s a fair question.

before roe v wade, abortion was legal in the cases of rape and incest and when the life of the mom is in danger. i’d happily go back
to that.

abortions on rape victims are also rare, the vast majority of abortions are retroactive birth control for women who engaged in consensual sex.

so a law that only allowed abortions for rape, incest, and when the life of the mom is actually at risk, would
eliminate a huge percentage of abortions.

i see very big differences between a rape victim and someone who got pregnant from consensual
sex. i can’t imagine anyone going through that.

but if you think a baby is a human being at conception, the circumstances surrounding the conception don’t really matter that from the baby’s perspective. so i’d hope that rape victims
would somehow find it in them to give it up for adoption, but of
course that’s easy for me to say, having never been through that.

but again, i’d be very happy to return to pre roe v wade.

that’s a VERY fair and challenging question. but it also addresses a tiny percentage of abortions.

as far as abnormalities go, i don’t think people who weren’t born as lucky as you and i were, are any less human than we are, i don’t make those distinctions. killing people who have abnormalities sounds very Third Reich to me. i have a child with very slight special
needs, nothing too serious. It never occurred to me to chop him up in order to make my life easier. “God don’t make no junk”, as the expression goes.

i think the huge, huge majority of the pro life crowd would carve out exceptions for rape.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-05-2021 at 04:10 PM..
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