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Old 07-22-2016, 11:12 AM   #141
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
They are not the same but share a common root. Because someone has some narcissistic traits (we all do) doesn't make them a narcissist. When it becomes a controlling factor it may be a disorder which Trump certainly appears to have.

It "certainly appears" that both Clinton's narcissism is a controlling factor. Yet, somehow, one was, and the other is "ghostwritten" to become great Presidents. Same can be said of other "great" Presidents of the past--both Roosevelt's, Woodrow Wilson, LBJ come to mind. They were all Progressives, BTW. Some fear that Trump may be more Progressive than Conservative.

Great read here:

It's a very well-written article in the leftist New Yorker style. I marveled at how the basic criticisms of Trump can be laid to Hilary (in her own manner). Both Clinton's can be said to be "sociopaths" as he says about Trump. Books and articles as scathing as this have been written about Hilary.

Schwartz was " 'trying hard to find my way around' [Trump's] behavior that he considered 'if not reprehensible, at least morally questionable." Same could be said about Hilary, but with the emphasis on "reprehensible."

He says about Trump "The only thing left was running for President. If he could run for emperor of the world, he would." Same be said of Hilary.

He says "It was all [Trump's father's] political connections that created the [tax] abatement." That could be said of JFK's political (and personal) successes.

The article does seem to bear out that Trump is a master, at all costs including the truth, of making deals. And it has the validity of the liar exposing the liar. Except that if he was so successful in his lying, exaggerated portrayal of Trump then, how are we to trust that he is not lying and exaggerating now. The article does show that Schwartz is a lifelong social leftist who pretty much despises Trump. But that he also had a price. Does he have a price now? Is he creating "truthful hyperbole" now when he says that the end of civilization will occur if Trump gets the nuclear codes? So Trump will destroy the civilization that feeds his narcissism?

The article is pretty much, as you like to say, "old news." Of course, old news that you like is OK with you.

I don't know if you're just lying here or being contrary, regardless it's an irrational statement.

The current anti-Trump spin to which I refer is about what he said about his opponents, all of them whether in the race for the nomination or about various people who have said insulting things about him (like Rosie O'Donell). For the most part, he has reacted in kind

There's more to leading the country than nominating justices.

There shouldn't (constitutionally) be a whole lot more than that. But, as a Progressive, you view the President's role as a director of everything. A sort of elected emperor. The thing is, emperors can only be elected by a "free" people by tricking them. Hilary has her tricks, The Donald has his.

So, the important difference, at a time when Presidents have become too powerful, is the appointment of Justices who will reign in that power.

I'm very concerned his personality lacks the very skills necessary to be President.

To which "skills" are you referring? Skillful Presidents must know how to manipulate the "bully pulpit," and to trick their opponents into "deals" which will bring to fruition the President's desires.

If he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth one may wonder if he'd had any success at all.
Whatever spoon is in your mouth when you are born, the important thing is what you do with it. Many a silver spooner has accomplished little to nothing. Hillary was a silver spooner. Most Presidents have started with wealth. You're creating a fishy strawman.

The main difference between us is that you are content with continuing the expansion of government power, I am for devolving that power back to a freer people.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-22-2016 at 11:34 AM..
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