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Old 04-14-2014, 09:26 AM   #49
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Jim, I don't have a problem with photo Ids and have said so in the past. However, everyone knows it is to limit minority voting. I have a problem with the limiting of voting hours. It clearly is intended to limit minority voting. The reason the polls in BPort were allowed to stay open late is bc they ran out of ballots. I believe that the law (atleast in CT) allows people to vote if they were in line when the booths close.

There is no harm in extending the # of days people can vote.
"However, everyone knows it is to limit minority voting."

But why? Why is it harder, or more burdensome, for minorities to get a photo id? Is there a faster, "whites only" line at the Dept Of Motor Vehicles that nobody told me about?

"The reason the polls in BPort were allowed to stay open late is bc they ran out of ballots"

Ah. If the polls ran out of ballots, let's say, and 50 people were in line, and they got 50 more ballots for those people, I would have no issue with that. That's not what happened. What happened was, while they were waiting for more ballots, the political operatives in Bridgeport sounded the alarm that the race was going to be close, and they rounded up more voters to go get in line to vote late. Lots of people were able to vote who were not in line when the polls closed. A topic for another day, however...
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