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Old 11-11-2020, 12:12 PM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
your clueless . reguardless of his past accomplishments Doesn't excuse him from the present.. Clearly you are influenced by shiny objects you ran to Amy defense in the same manner

I guess you think he is a hero for his letter to Iran clearly

Un-patriot games: GOP senators' letter to Iran is a treacherous betrayal of the U.S. constitutional system

Bannon told The New Yorker in November 2017: "Next to Trump, he's the elected official who gets it the most—the economic nationalism. Cotton was the one most supportive of us, up front and behind the scenes, from the beginning. He understands that the Washington élite—this permanent political class of both parties ... needs to be shattered." hes 100% Trumps Mini me
'you are influenced by shiny objects "

Tell me what Biden has done, that's more truly impressive?

Turning down riches to do a combat tour with the Army, is nothing more than "a shiny object" to you.

You are entitled to have such a low opinion of that act of selflessness. It's just disappointing, if not surprising.

Economic nationalism is bad? Making your first priority the economic well being of this country, is a bad thing for an elected politician to advocate for? We has elected by the citizens of Arkansas. Is he supposed to put their needs second, behind the needs of people in another country?

So you expect your pension to be 100% funded, which requires the taxpayers paying for a portion of it. But you are opposed to public policy which prioritizes economic growth and opportunity, for those same people who you demand fund your retirement?

You don't see anything humorous about that?

"You, John Taxpayer. I am gong to vote for a president who won't be primarily concerned with your economic well being, but I still insist that you pay for my pension and healthcare,"

Sounds fair. Let's renegotiate NAFTA to eliminate more American jobs, then you tell the newly unemployed that they still are on the hook for your financial security.
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