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Old 05-17-2013, 10:32 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Different situations. Bush personally appointed Michael Brown lead FEMA who we later learned had a very poor resume for the position.

There will be case studies on crisis management written over the Obama term.

"Different situations. Bush personally appointed Michael Brown lead FEMA"

And who, pray tell, appointed a tax dodger to be the current Secretary Of Treasury, overseeing the IRS?

"There will be case studies on crisis management written over the Obama term."

Oh, I agree! And the conclusion of those studies will be "this is what happens, when we elect an intolerant, race-baiting infanticide supporter who had less than 1 term in the US Senate, during which time he did nothing of note except to compose a personal memoir. A man whose wife, political mentor, and spiritual mentor clearly despise most of what the country stands for"

The most dangerous, predictable, avoidable crisis facing our generation, as well as the next, is the funding deficit for Medicare. Your hero has been at the helm for almost 5 years, and he has done precisely nothing to head that off...except, of course, to attack Paul Ryan for offering a possible solution.

That's crisis management, baby! Kick the can down the road so as not to lose votes, and attack the other guy who is brave enough to say what is unpopular, yet necessary.
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