Thread: Hillary
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Old 05-08-2013, 05:40 AM   #135
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'm shocked that your ramp up hasn't let to any real insight on the attacks or their response. For all the hype there doesn't appear to be any new information of substance.

Not to mention the timed leaks with Fox News to promote the hearings...this is such a hit job to promote the idea of a cover up without offering ANY new evidence to support it.

I'm sure Hicks is a good public servant, but the idea that he "thought" air cover would have intimidated the insurgents isn't news...the military says they couldn't have got there in time and wouldn't have been able to refuel.

The other guy Bret Bair showcased last week appears to have credibility issues...Bret has put forth a false timeline of events and here's the opinion of US Marine Corps Officer and Special Team Leader Billy Birdzell...

And you guys are foaming at the mouth...You say you want the truth...I call BS. I say you just want a controversy.

Jim, is that doing service to the families of the dead?

"without offering ANY new evidence to support it. "

How about the whistleblowers' testimony? Is that not new evidence? Have they testified before?

"Jim, is that doing service to the families of the dead?"

A political witch hunt offers nothing to the family. A search for the truth offers much to the family. Lindsay Graham is not a right-wing attack dog. I also posted a link, quoting muliple high-ranking democrats as saying that these hearings are necessary.

Spence, are those Democrats on a political witch hunt?

Once again, you cannot allow for even the possibility, that Obama and Clinton were involved in a cover-up to save the election. Maybe that didn't happen, but there is evidence to suggest that took place. Let's get the facts.

Spence...(1) what about the fact that high ranking Democrats are suggesting these hearings are necessary? And (2) what do you think of Hilary saying that it doesn't matter whether it was a video protest or a terrorist attack?

I'm not foaming at the mouth. I simply want to get to the truth. Not Hilary's version of the truth, because she has lied before (that whole sniper fire thing, which you predictably sweep under the rug). I want the actual facts. To you, asking Democrats what happened, is a witch hunt.
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