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Old 04-24-2013, 11:22 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Don't get me wrong here, I'm glad they caught the Little chit, but if I owned a house in that neighborhood and the cops kicked down my door and treated me like that, I'd be calling my lawyer.

After every terrorist event, we loose a little more of our rights at a time.

I think the cops could make a very case that they were facing "exigent circumstances". If that's not exigent circumstances, I don't know what is.

Is it better if they didn't shut down the city and go door-to-door? Better to not inconvenience people, and as a result let the guy get away and incinerate another 8 year-old kid?

There's a miniscule percentage of the population that does bad things. If it weren't for these jerks, we could leave our doors open at night. But those maniacs are out there, so we can't.

I see nothing unreasonable with what the cops did. It was an extreme situation which called for extreme measures.
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