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Old 03-02-2013, 06:50 AM   #41
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It means that by one measurement it's 40% and by the other it's 30%.

If you were to smooth the curve you'd see the pie on the right is a continuation of the Bush trajectory while the pie on the left is an abnormality.


I think most everyone agrees the debt and healthcare costs are an issue, it's just that there are differing options on how to address it.

Here's the rub, a president Romney would still have the same debt, same deficit and the same Republicans out to protect their spending interests.

"It means that by one measurement it's 40% and by the other it's 30%."

Wrong. 3.8 is 41% larger than 2.7. That's fact. That's not 'spin'. The pie says that if spending was 2.7T, and now it's 3.8T, that spending is now 40% larger. You disagreed. You were wrong. You can't quite bring yourself to admit it, but you were wrong. Yet another example of liberals being hostile to arithmetic.

"If you were to smooth the curve you'd see the pie on the right is a continuation of the Bush trajectory "

Wrong again. Look at the post by ReelinRod at 1:43 PM on 2/27, it shows a bar graph of spending. If you look at that graph rationally (read: not the way you choose to look at things), you will see a distinct change in the trend in 2009.

Obama has taken spending to levels we have never seen. That's fact. Bush did increase spending compared to Clinton. Bush had to build a counter-terror infrastructure from scratch, and by most measures, it has been successful. Obama clearly chose to continue it. Bush also dismantled two brutal dictatorial regimes.

Obama spent his money to improve the economy. By any measure except the stock market perfoamance, he has failed (unemployment is the same, median income way down, GDP growth pathetic, slowest recovery in the history of our nation).

Facts. No spin. Facts.

"I think most everyone agrees the debt and healthcare costs are an issue"

Most everyone on your side? Really? Tell that to the people who made the Paul ERyan commercial, showing him pushing an old lady off a cliff. I didn't hear many liberals saying "Ryan is right that Medicare needs fixing, we just support a different approach"

What I hear liberals saying, is "mdicare works, and the mean Republicns want to take it away, because they don't care about sick old people".

What color is the sky in the world you live in, exactly?
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