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Old 02-27-2013, 04:35 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by ReelinRod View Post
In reality it isn't a cut in actual expenditures; it is a 2% cut from the 7% baseline budget increase . . .

So, the parade of misery stated by the President must all depend upon a 2% increse in federal spending and can not be supported by current spending.

I ask how have all the actions he claims will cease been paid for up to now?
And let's not forget, these cuts were his idea. Not the idea of the GOP boogeyman, his idea. Back in 2011, Obama threatened to veto any continuing resolution that did not include these exact cuts. He is on record as saying that.

Yet now that we are here, he says it's the GOP's fault. It's unbelievable.

How is that for hope and change? How is that for accountability, honesty, and leadership? How is that for the guy who claims to be non-partisan (cue the canned laughter here)...

Funny that I haven't seen Spence or PaulS weigh in here...I guess they're seaching the Huffington Post for the agreed-upon response. Something about racism or George Bush, I'll wager...
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