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Old 01-02-2013, 03:42 PM   #38
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So, with the deal the Bush tax cuts have been made "permanent" for 99.4% of those that received them. And there is a big sigh of relief that the tax side of fixing the fiscal cliff nonsense has supposedly been accomplished. I guess that means that the Bush tax cuts were NOT only for the rich and that they were NOT the cause of the recession as many shouted. The amount of taxes to be collected from the .6 of a percent of taxpayers left won't amount to enough to matter much in significantly lowering the deficit and certainly not the debt. And, actually, with the new spending that is to come, the tax raise will not only be insignificant toward deficit/debt reduction, the deficit/debt will rise. So, apparently the fiscal problem IS spending not "revenue." If nothing else, at least that has been established.
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