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Old 10-11-2012, 02:09 PM   #37
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
I guess you guys missed this. It might even be more than 80%

If the offical stand of these religions is that Homosexuality is a sin, and 3/4 of your organization's units are chartered through these religions...why would you says its OK and risk losing the support and backing for most of your units....that would take down scouting in no time.

Its a private organization and can choose its members as it see fit. Your unit can choose its members as it see fit....there is no rule that says you have to accept anybody. You can accept a boy and not accept his parent if you so choose. (this happens in cases of custody where one of the parents is noithing but a distraction)

2 things have to happen if this is ever going to get fixed....either the different church's stands on homosexuality need to change or more units need to start being chartered through civic organizations.

until then I doubt you will see anything change on this front. I would like nothing more than to be wrong and have it change....but as of now thats the stance...join if you want to...its a great organization that teaches a lot of useful skills to youth.
TDF, if a large number of scout units are chatrered through, say, the Catholic church. Does that mean that all of those units (chartered by the Catholic Church) would automatically expel a kid for being gay? Or does the local scoutmaster have any discretion in that case?

TDF, you know way more about this than I do...would you be OK with your kids going camping with fellow teenagers, or scoutmasters, who were gay? Even if you could not be there? I have to admit that would worry me.
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