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Old 09-11-2012, 06:12 AM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
You blame malloy. You state that red states are better financially. Malloy has reduced CT's debt; comparisons between states are illegitimate at best because of all the variables, inequity in dispersal of federal money is a big one. Whether Malloy says it or not, the $17 billion a year negative flow is a fact. I'm done with this thread.
"You blame malloy"

No. I blame liberal economics. And Malloy whole-heartedly supports liberal economics in all of its retarded majesty. So my point, again, is this...of course I concede that Mallow wasn't governor before 2011. But if he had been governor since 1985, we'd be in the exact same mess, because he embraces the same exact policies that brought us here. He brought no new ideas to the table. He implemented a massive tax hike, and increased spending. .

"Malloy has reduced CT's debt..."

A bit, yes. Not to the point where our state is more competitive, not to the point that our cost of living has come down, not to the point where we're not in serious trouble. Zimmy, when you implement a crippling tax hike, you don't have to be a Nobel Prize winner in economics to reduce the debt a bit.

Zimmy, conservative governors in Ohio, Wisconsin, and NJ have also reduced their debt, and they did it WITHOUT raising taxes. Malloy did it by implementing the largest tax hike in the history of our state. Do you not see a difference in those 2 solutions?

"the $17 billion a year negative flow is a fact"

Yes it is. And it's also a fact that the vast majority of that gap evaporates when you consider how much more we pay in state taxes. It's also a fact that not even the governors of those states blame their debt on the federal tax shift.

You ignore everything which does not serve your agenda. You keep saying CT has a low debt-to-GDP ratio, and I keep showing you data to refute that.
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