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Old 09-10-2012, 12:00 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

According to this chart, the average CT citizen pays $7,000 in state/local taxes. The average WY resident pays $3700. So the average CT citizen pays $3300 more. There are 3.4 million CT residents. So the state of CT collects $11.2 billion more in state/local tax revenue, than we would collect if we had WY's tax rates. That annual increase of $11.3 billion offsets most of the federal income tax loss.

You point out that our higher taxes don't even cover the federal income tax loss. That makes it even clearer that it is hard for CT to compete with Wyoming on that front alone, because even with our taxes twice as high, it still doesn't make up what is lost in federal dollars. So can we now agree that there are too many variables to say the red states do a better job with debt and being tax competetive? By the way, CT is 8th lowest in spending vs gdp. So you can say that the dem's in CT have spent to death, but relative to gdp, it is one of the best. You can say taxes are through the roof, but they are higher to make up for the losses in federal money, which disproportionately go to red states. You started this thread, not me.

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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