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Old 09-09-2012, 09:01 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Maybe because they get substantially more federal money than they pay in taxes Your take on Malloy is that he acts like a democrat, so the democrats shouldn't have used him at there convention? Ok, point taken.
My take on Malloy is that, like Obama, he inherited a lousy situation, and chose to double down on rhe policies that created the lousy situation. In the real world, an executive gets fired for that kind of stupidity. In the democratic party, one gets honored.

At the republican convention, we saw speakers (Walker in WI, Kasich in OH, Christie in NJ) who had the common sense to say "we're in horrible shape. We're not going to continue the policies that put us in this position. we're going to make the tough sacrifices to turn this thing around".

Zimmy...exactly how many times do we need to see liberal economic policies fail, before you people admit that you need to go back to the drawing board? How many times?

Zimmy, please show me the data to convince me that the difference between what CT residents pay in federal income taxes, and what we get back from the feds, is not meaningless in terms of our debt.

Our problems in CT are not due to a lack of revenue. we spent like lunatics. I'm sorry if you don't like that reality. But it's reality.
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