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Old 09-06-2012, 09:03 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
First, why don't you look at state and local debt as a percent of gdp. It is much more telling than per person. Comparing debt per person ignores way too many factors and makes comparisons between states pretty much pointless.
Compare Revenue By State for 2012 - Charts

Also, CT's decades of Republican governors and democratic congress have more to do with CT's debt than a governor who was inaugurated in 2011. And I don't even like the guy, but come on.
Zimmy, I could not connect to your link. So here is one of my own that looks at debt to GDP by state.

State of the States -

CT has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 7.9%, which looks like it's 3rd highest in the nation. So even in this measure, CT has a terrible ranking, like it does for every conceivable financial metric.

You are correct that Gov Maloy didn't create the debt. But are you going to tell me the debt would be a lot lower if he had been governor for the last 20 years? The man is a textbook tax-and-spend democrat. As soon as he got in office, he enacted the largest tax hike in state history.

So while he wasn't in office when this mess was created, he is clearly doubling down on the exact policies that created the mess.
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