Thread: Ryan fact check
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:59 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
He said it was at the expense of the elderly...same thing as pushing them off a cliff.

Most of the spending cuts are to hospitals and insurance not individual doctors. Part of the deal cut with the HCB was for the government to pay less in exchange for more people in the system. These would actually improve care to seniors as they would have more access to services for the same money.

It is at the expense of the elderly. The feds are, on behalf of the elderly, reducing the payments to docs for treating the elderly. That necessarily means that fewer docs will choose to treat Medicare patients. That hurts current seniors more tha Ryan's proposal, which didn't change anything for current seniors.

These would actually improve care to seniors as they would have more access to services for the same money."

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