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Old 08-14-2012, 01:53 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The Palin debates were a joke anyway because her candidacy was a joke.

I highly doubt Ryan is prepping for a dumb, brain-dead, burnt out dinosaur.

Also, much of what people consider Biden's flubs are really pretty funny jokes

"The Palin debates were a joke anyway because her candidacy was a joke."

Getting defensive I see. Palin had one debate with Biden in which she did respectably well. Say what you want about her (and I'm no huge fan), but after McCain picked her, their ticket lept ahead of Obama/Biden in every poll, and they stayed there until Lehman Brothers went belly-up.

"I highly doubt Ryan is prepping for a dumb, brain-dead, burnt out dinosaur."

I'm sure that's exactly what he's preparing for, because that's exactly what he's up against. Ryan can handle the moronic old curmudgeon.

"Also, much of what people consider Biden's flubs are really pretty funny jokes "

They are dismissed as funny jokes by thoughtless liberal apologists who can never bring themselves to admit anything critical about the Messiah Obama. When Palin says something dumb (and she does often), that makes her an idiot. When Biden does it (and he does it at least as often), he's being funny. Do I have that right now, Spence?

Biden is going to get destroyed. Fortunately for him, VP debates don't count for all that much. But it'll be entertaining.

Ryan: Mr vice-president, the federal entitlement programs are underfunded by over $100,000 for every living American. Why haven't you done anything to adress that in 4 years?


That's how it'll go, because that's how it is.
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