Thread: assault rifles
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Old 07-29-2012, 09:30 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The opposing force here is conservative hypocrisy. As usual the real world has little time for absolutes.

Whose real world? Is the "real world" an absolute? If not, is it a dream, a concoction, a figment of your imagination, a temproary aberation that fluctuates, dissolves, and reassembles into whatever form your or anyone's imagination desires? What are all the scientists that secular non-conservatives admire almost as demi-gods doing messing about with various laws and searching for some absolute answer or other? How can we have a conversation or an opinion of any value if it is "absolutely" relative? Isn't the function of language, communication, based on stable, determinable signals that everyone is taught and must agree on lest we all live in the "real" solipsistic world of ultimate individuality where we are just undeterminable conglomerations of particles that somehow accidentally, randomly, bump into each other in the unknowable night of existence? Isn't the need for society, government, relationships, a need for escape from chaos to stability? I don't know what your "real" world is, but if it has no time for absolutes, I don't think you know what it is either.

There is certainly some truth here although I'm not sure it has anything to do with political beliefs...people in general who are unfamiliar with guns are more likely to be wary of them. I knew someone who was arrested at an airport because he forgot a hand gun in his bag. Was he just so comfortable around guns it seemed like a casual thing?

Sort of like being so comfortable with various cosmetics and stuff that you're not allowed to bring on the plane that they seem like casual things. Oh, that's right, your not supposed to feel comfortable around guns, or anything else that can cause death. Always be wary of your car when you enter it. Don't like it too much or be too comfortable with it.

I guess the irony here is that you posted this remark in a thread started by an admitted conservative who also happens to be quite familiar with the use of such weapons

So, to avoid irony, we must not disagree.
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