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Old 06-12-2012, 10:40 AM   #19
Jim in CT
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PaulS accuses me of hate, and then he posts this...

"How about what percentage of teabaggers are racist?"

He posts this bile, and still has the chutzpah to accuse me of hate.

How long, O' Lord?

Paul, I'll talk about race all day long. Are there racists in the Tea Party? Yes. Is it widespread? No. Here's proof...the tea party ideals are exactly what poor blacks need to embrace, in order to escape the shackles of poverty. We want as many blacks as possible to be self-supporting and wealthy. If I was racist, I'd be supporting liberal policies at the top of my lungs, policies which have encouraged blacks to become addicted to welfare, and encouraged blacks to have illegitimate kids. That all but guarantees poverty.

You want to see genuine, widespread racism? You won't see it at the Tea Party. Try Rev Wright's church.
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