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Old 06-12-2012, 08:27 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Where are the environmentalists in the rep. party? Teddy R. would have been laughed at for expanding the national park system. If Nixon today proposed the clean water act or the EPA, he would have been out early in the primaries. The protection of the ozone, (Reagan), or cap and trade (Bush) were all great Repub. ideas. Now it is all drill baby drill and a strange obsession w/coal.

We're at this site b/c we love the outdoors, yet if someone proposes a law to help protect it, he gets bricks thrown at him.

hyper-partisan Democrat party? When polls ask people that, they always seem to view the Repubs as more partisan.
"Where are the environmentalists in the rep. party? "

They are everywhere. I am one of them. I care deeply about the environment. However, I don't take it to the extreme that I blindly accept whatever Al Gore tells me, especially if he is telling me via text from his private jet.

"Teddy R. would have been laughed at for expanding the national park system. If Nixon today proposed the clean water act or the EPA, he would have been out early in the primaries"

What do you base that on? Can you support those absurd ststements?

Many conservatives happily pay for hunting licenses and fishing licenses. Many conservatives are all for logical protection of our national resources. But the key word is "logical". I don't want liberal fanatics telling me I can't drive an SUV or turn on my air conditioner, because some lunatic claims that my actions threaten a species of algae on a rock somewhere.

Your entire post is an insane rant, a pathetic, desperate attempt to paint my side as a bunch of callous capitalists hell-bent on raping the land. Unfortunately for you, that's nowhere near the truth.

In the 1970's, liberal fanatics got a worldwide ban of spraying DDT, because it was threatening the eagle populations. The theory was that DDT made the eggs so thin that the mother birds crushed them when they sat on them. So the liberals enacted a worldwide ban on spraying DDT.

Here's what liberals missed (they usually miss something key). In Africa, mosquitoes cause malaria. The worldwide ban of DDT caused mosquito populations in Africa to skyrocket, and thousands of Africans died of malaria. Not a great result in my book.

I love eagles, and I went to Alaska once specificaly to photograph eagles. That being said, I would happily break the neck of every eagle on the planet, if that would bring back one African child who died of malaria.

My side has a rational, sypmathetic, empathetic view of the environment. We are all for protecting the environment, but not to the point that it causes genuine human suffering.
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