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Old 06-06-2012, 09:41 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Joe View Post
There's no greater distinction as there is between people who were given an opportunity, and those who were not.

Of the countless number of distinctions that can exist in our sphere of perception, there must be a multitude that are greater than your example. But I get your drift. Besides, the comparative size of a distinction is, to a great degree, subjective. A relevant distinction, off-hand, relating to the thread, is the distinction between those who wait to be given an opportunity and those who seek opportunities. Another distinction between such people is the strength of character and ability to survive downfalls and failures possessed by those who seek rather than those who are given. Another distinction between them is the feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment, and the positive drive to live accrued to those who make their lives as compared to those who are given ready made lives. And on, and on.

Life is a hell of a lot easier when all you have to do is not f_ck up what was handed to you.
But it can be a lot more satisfying and assured if you have the fortitude with the accompanying ability to survive that those who make their lives possess. And it can be a lot more painful when those who have been handed their lives do f_ck up, and many do, and not having learned how to survive, the initial ease can turn into a self-doubting vortex of failure.

In my opinion, a society based on individuals confident in their ability to thrive despite how difficult that may be, is a stronger, more vibrant society than one populated by those who must be given a life and who must be dependent to maintain that life.
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