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Old 03-28-2012, 05:59 PM   #66
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: NYC
Posts: 440
I believe all judge's decisions regardless of the time period are informed by their own political beliefs and inclinations and if you look at the Supreme Court there have been periods where different ideologies have held sway with different degrees of impact.
General comment:
If in fact the idea that mandating health insurance by requiring those who do not have it to pay a penalty fee then I think that the issue becomes one of restructuring the law so that those who do not have health insurance pay a higher rate of tax or there is a deduction of the cost of that insurance for those who have paid for the insurance. One of the big problems with health care that is behind the heath insurance law is that the uninsured do not have the means to gain access to preventive medicine and over time they in turn result in larger payments for all users of the health care system in the US. While adding another deduction/credit to the tax goes against my idea that deductions should be eliminated and all rates reduced the "tax" objection to the bill seems to me one that could be worked around.
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