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Old 03-09-2012, 02:38 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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liberal tolerance - Justice Scalia at Wesleyan University

Last night, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia spoke at Wesleyan University. Justice Scalia, as most people know, is pretty darned conservative in his interpretation of the Constitution. Wesleyan, for those who don't know, is an Ivy League-caliber school, possibly the most liberal place on Earth, and a place where the liberals like to protest. Kudos to Scalia for agreeing to go into this hornet's nest of intolerance and monolithic thinking.

I was there. It was an interesting experience in seeing what liberal, priviledged kids due with their "tolerance"..

Protesters everywhere, which is innocent enough. One kid had a sign that said "end the war, tax the rich". I bet this kid got 1600 on his SAT's, but I guess he never took Poli-Sci 101, or he'd know that the judicial branch controls neither the military nor writes the tax code.

There were kids chanting that the GOP (of which Scalia holds no position) favors the rich. I wonder if these kids know that (1) Obama wants to increase the tax credits to people who buy the Volt to $10,000, and that (2) the average salary of Volt owners is $175,000. Those folks need a handout from Obama? How is that helping the poor and downtrodden?

Inside the lecture hall, a bunch of students were wearing orange jumpsuits with black hoods over their heads. Not sure what their point was.

During Scalia's lecture, a bunch of kids in the balcony threw condoms down towards the stage. Nice.

These are the intellectual elite of liberalism. Is civil discourse really too much to ask? What are these kids going to do when they get jobs and have issues with bosses and co-workers, throw condoms at them?

These are the same people who are criticizing Rush Limbaugh for using derogatory terms to describe a feminist activist. And they see no irony or hypocrisy.

A mental disorder.
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