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Old 03-07-2012, 06:34 AM   #43
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the trick with peas is's all about the timing imho

that and the concept of... the lunar influence and it's rythm
it comes in sets of three......... similar to waves
the first two (from the day of the "new moon")
to the full moon (waxing)...those two quarters are the "BIG PUSH Up"
then from the full moon waning back down to THE half "the pull" but
with extra moon light....available

THE FOURTH QUARTER where the moon still waning goes back to skinniest
that's the week or so that you cultivate and get rid of weeds ect.
So when you take advantage of that rythm you gain an edge.....
ESPECIALLY 7 days before the full moon because that's the PEAK
germination week with increasing hydroscopic presssure
forcing moisture into seed
for peas this year and you always shoot for st paddy's day !
is actually 8,9 and tenth moon in "libra" (for flowers)

bone meal is wicked good for flowers

but the main trick with PEAS i've found (i grow waves of them)
is that you have to water them AT LEAST twice a day heavy
then they go gangbusters.
i'll plant twice this week end clearing away snow is just fine !!!!
and on the 19th 20th and 21 rst

the wave: they like to planted in MASS meaning many

Last edited by Raven; 03-07-2012 at 06:45 AM..
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