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Old 03-01-2012, 10:53 AM   #163
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Actually, I supported the decision. If he turns around and approves it after Nov 2012 I will be very disapointed.

We'd be refining oil that is produced from THE WORST possible way to obtain a fossil fuel (just short of or on par with strip-mining coal) for the Canadians to then ship anywhere they wanted. We'd have the right to buy it back on the open market. I don't oppose it for the pipeline portion of it, I think the networth to US is very low.

I'd rather see them focus on domestic efforts on more nukes and more domestic natural gas.
"I think the networth to US is very low." The labor union that would have benefitted (steel workers??) sure made it sound like a big deal.

"I'd rather see them focus on domestic efforts on more nukes and more domestic natural gas"


If gas hits $5 this summer (I don't see how that fails to happen, I think $6 is easily possible if something happens with Israel/Iran), and the GOP shows video of Obama saying "higher gas prices would be good for America" (which he has said, and which is unbelievably stupid), that hurts him big time. We'll see.
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