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Old 02-29-2012, 08:10 AM   #29
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post Obama doesn't vote to make something illegal that's already illegal, while publicly supporting other efforts to make it illegal...and this is voting to legalize it?

In the other thread you described yourself as "rational".

What gives?

Spence, here's as simple as I can boil it down

(1)The proposed bill would have stopped something from happening

(2) Obama blocked the bill.

(3) Because the bill was blocked, the situation that the proposed bill was trying to prevent, continued to take place.

Regardless of his reasons, the act of blocking the bill is what allowed the practice to continue. I would never say that Obama likes or celebrates denying medical care to living babies. I'm saying that his actions allowed that, precisely that, to continue. And he knew his actions would cause that to continue.
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