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Old 02-28-2012, 03:37 PM   #100
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
(1) I never said anything about Obama. I thought we were talking about Santorum. Instead of defending Santorum with "yeah well Obama sucks because" kind of replies, how about sticking to the subject at hand by defending your guy on his merits.

(2) Let's look at Santorum's voting record:support of Medicare prescription drug program, supported that whole "Bridge to Nowhere" Bill that was chock full of massive pork, his repeated Yea votes for raising the debt ceiling, continued support of providing funds to Amtrak... should I go on?

I read a "Taxpayers for Common Sense" article yesterday that showed during Santorum's time in the House and Senate that he had at least $1billion of pet project he stuffed into bills. Looking for reference article now.

Now, that's not to say that he hasn't also voted in a way that would be in line with the views of a fiscal conservative, but remove your veil and stop trying to frame him up as a textbook example of what a fiscal conservative should be.
Johnny, I'm no huge Santorum fan. But if someone says Santorum is a whack job because he's a strict Catholic, I don't see anything wrong with pouinting out that our current President has supported a church that is a lot weirder, a lot more divisive, and a lot more hateful, than anyone can ever claim about Catholicism.

I don't see Santorum through any veil whatsoever. That's why I simply asked you to provide examples of his spending record that were not in line with conservative principles. All I did was ask a question, do you get that prickly every time someone asks you a question?
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