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Old 02-28-2012, 12:10 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The FactCheck link doesn't contain any information about babies being "allowed to wither and die." I'm not saying it's never happened, but under Illinois law it should be illegal if the fetus was viable.

From your own link:

The law seems pretty clear, if there was a problem perhaps there was an enforcement issue.

My understanding is that small government conservatives like to enforce the laws on the books rather than just pile on more...

Because by passing it at the Federal level you don't muck with efforts at the state level to regulate abortion.

No, I'm just laughing really hard

I love it...

"he likes infanticide"

Obama is very consistent in his support for the original IL law and in his support for the Federal provision.

Listen, abortion isn't a pretty thing under even the best circumstances, but the majority of Americans believe that at times it's necessary. You're free to oppose it under any circumstances, but labeling someone as "liking infanticide" isn't even rational.

I'd accuse you of more hyperbole, but in this case you might just believe it.

Spence, you are really coming un-glued here. Here is what I posted, this is a direct quote...

"of course he didn't say that he was blocking the bill because he likes infanticide"

What I said, assuming you can read, is that Obama of course did not say he likes infanticide.

Here is how you posted my quote out of context...

""he likes infanticide"

Spence, I didn't say, or imply, that he likes infanticide. You are deliberately ommitting the first part of my sentence to make me look as crazy as you are, and everyone here knows it.

This is what folks do when they know they have been backed into an intellectual corner from which there is no escape.

"My understanding is that small government conservatives like to enforce the laws on the books rather than just pile on more..."

Well, as usual, your understanding of something is warped, frustrated, simple-minded, and wrong. Even small government conservatives want a government big enough so that it has laws protecting precious babies.

Spence, that federal law passed unanimously in the US Senate. Conservatives and liberals alike agreed that what was happening in Illinois was infanticide, and had to stop. The vote was 98-0 Spence, and that 98 includes some very liberal Democrats (Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer). All of them were united in their stance again te barbaric practice that Obama irrefutably helped promote.

Spence, in tennis, do you know what they call where we are? Game, set, and match.

Spence, no one except you denies that these living abortions took place. Nurses and doctors from Illinois hospitals testified on the floor of the US Senate as the federal bill was being debated. But because that fact paints Obama in a negative (in fact, barbaric) light, you cannot accept that fact. Your brain obviously cannot accept that which doesn't serve your agenda.
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