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Old 02-28-2012, 11:01 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Defining moment, ha!

Here's the original law that was proposed to be amended. It clearly states that in the case of an aborted baby being born alive the doctor by law must work to preserve the health of the fetus. This was used to argue that the amendment was not necessary.

720#^&ILCS#^&510/#^&#^&Illinois Abortion Law of 1975..

Considering that abortion is regulated by the states, an amendment that gave specific rights to a living aborted fetus was clearly designed to challenge Roe V Wade...when there was already law on the books giving the living baby legal protection in the state.

Sure, there's some politics at play here...but your accusation of infanticide is bogus.

Spence, did you read the factcheck link I posted? The irrefutable fact is this...babies who were born alive were denied care, and allowed to whither and die. The doctors were not charged with any crimes, because they broke no existing laws. This practice is what led to the proposed bill. You are the only person I have ever heard deny this.

"an amendment that gave specific rights to a living aborted fetus was clearly designed to challenge Roe V Wade"

Wrong again. If offering protection to living babies was designed to be a threat to Roe V Wade, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN why the federal law passed UNANIMOUSLY in the US Senate? There's a lot of liberal democrats in the Senate who admitted that what was happening in Illinois (what Obama supported) was not abortion, but infanticide.

Sorry Spence, you are really showing your true colors here, more than I've ever seen. You're really coming un-hinged.

"your accusation of infanticide is bogus."

Please tell me, specifically, how what was happening in Illinois (until teh feds stopped it) is different from infanticide. In that state, partly thanks to OBama, living babies, who were born alive, outside the womb, and in no way physically connected to the mother, were born alive but injured (because of the failed abortions). Screaming in pain, the cries of these babies were ignored at the wishes of the mother. The babies were put in a room alone, to eventually die of their wounds.

I don't care what one thinks of abortion...I don't see how any human being can be OK with this...but when a bill was proposed to require medical care to these babies, Obama (then a state senator) blocked the bill 3 times. Now, of course he didn't say that he was blocking the bill because he likes infanticide. He said he blocked the bill because he was afraid of threats to Roe V Wade. But regardless of his stated reasons, the fact remains that Obama's actions allowed the practice of infanticide to continue in Illinois, until the feds voted unanimously to stop it.

If Obama was such a gifted and talented legislator, and such a swell guy, why didn't he draft a state law (similar to the federal law) that would protect these babies and still uphold Roe V Wade? That's the type of decisive leadership that, in my opinion, warrants promotion from state senator, to US Senate, to president. How could he sleep at night, knowing what was taking place in those hospitals?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 02-28-2012 at 11:23 AM..
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