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Old 02-28-2012, 07:48 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Some folks here are concerned about Santorum's position on abortion. As his position on abortion is radical, that's understandable. I respect that fact that even though Santorum knows that his views on abortion will turn off a lot of folks, he doesn't hold back. That's a lot more courageous, and a lot more honest, than Obama. When Obama was campaigning, and a reverend asked him when he thought life began, Obama answered "that's above my pay grade". That's called d#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g, that's called lying. Everyone knows what Obama's position on that issue is. And if someone from the National Organization For Women asked Obama that same question, he would have given a substantially different answer.

So. The media is making a big deal of Santorum's radical pro-life stance. Why, I wonder, didn't the media make as big a deal about Obama's monstrous stance on abortion? Since I'm sure many don't know this (because it wasn't widely reported), when Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he supported a mom's right to kill her baby, after the baby was born and out of the womb. Sound too shocking to be true? Google Obama and the Infants Born Alive Protection Act.

In communist China, a truly barbaric place, they will force women to have abortions against their will. However, as they are dragging a woman off to perform an abortion, if the baby is born first, Chinese law demands that the baby be cared for, because even the Chinese realize that this is clearly an innocent, precious human life. In other words, Obama's position on abortion is more barbaric than the Chinese.

But the American media are telling me to be afraid of Rick Santorum? And some here are buying into that?

Go ahead Spence, tell me where that's even a little wrong.
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