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Old 02-27-2012, 03:21 PM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
One thing the Democrats do better than Republicans is choose candidates who's crooked past won't come back to bite them in the ass. .
No. What Democrats (and their Public Relations arm called "the media") do is overlook every single immoral thing that a Democrat does, and go crazy every time a Republican is accused of anything.

The same media folks who said that it wasn't fair to hold Obama accountable for the statements of Rev Wright, are now attacking Santorum because one of his campaign donors said that the best birth control is for women not to sleep around? Ted Kennedy gets re-elected 85 times, but people here are turned off by Rick Santorum's personal values?

Furthermore, I love how the lefty media is suggesting that tghe GOP is in disarray because there is not yet a clear front runner. The hypocrisy here is stunning. In 2008, the Democratic primary contest between Hilary and Obama was as bitterly contested as any election in our country. As that time, the media claimed that the competition was a healthy sign of the democratic process. Now when the GOP finds itself in a similar situation (although not all that similar because teh election is so far off, whereas in 2008, the Democratic fight went right up to the convention), it's a sign of disarray? I'm not buying it.

Tell me I'm wrong...
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