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Old 02-27-2012, 01:25 PM   #17
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Do you, seriously, not see how anyone could have voted for Obama after the Wright rants? I had never thought that the association Obama had with Wright or the several other radicals in his life, including his mother, would be enough to stop those who want what he and his party stand for. Being black, no doubt, helped him defeat Hillary, and being Democrat was enough to hold the base, and running against Bush/Mcain/mostlyBush and a collapsing economy
was a strong enough ticket for those who want big and bigger government and thos who were disgusted with Bush.

Voting for a candidate is so much more than voting for his character. You vote for his party, its apparatus, its mission and political philosophy. And the latter is far more consequential than his character. If that great middle, the independents, vote merely on the basis of character or some other personal disgust with the previous administration, they also make the mistake of "voting for the man" rather than his true political mission.

I don't know what off-the-cuff remarks Santorum made that deeply troubled you. Were they mission statements to the effect that he would work diligently to fulfill as President?

What do you do if both candidates in the general election lack the character that you demand?
im not going to tell you or explain how people could have voted for O after hearing Rev Wright. I said I cant see how they could. not for me to explain
I've stated above what Santorum said, I cant vote for someone that believes they are morally superior because of their religion.

I wont argue w/Jim, he is entitled to his opinion. my whole family were devout catholics, most are divorced, many cheated on their spouses. They are imperfect. we all are. But are they happier and more successful, not in my experience. Jim - check me on the sacrament of communion - you'll see Im right.

Oh - and one more. You frequently ( and I agree with you) state the fact that states/cities with the lowest incomes and most poverty are always democratic. Change that to religious and look at the global population. The countries with the most devout religious followers are also the poorest, most backwards countries on the globe.

, literally

making a kinder, gentler place for all
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