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Old 02-27-2012, 11:42 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
wow, this sure got out of whack!

For Santorum, his character flaw is that he believes in religious superiority, that religion makes you better. I disagree strongly with that. All religions have a superiority complex built into them.
RIJIMMY, every study ever done, clearly shows that people of faith consider themselves to be happier than atheists. We are much more likely to describe our lives as full and rich, than athiests. Our kids are more likely to succeed than kids of athiests. We give WAY more time and money to charity than atheists. We get divorced far less often than athiests, we commit way less crime than athiests.

Am I saying that all athiests are bad? Nope. Am I saying that all religious people are good? Nope. I'm saying that, on average, having faith adds a whole lot of positive things to one's life that are difficult (though not impossible) to acquire otherwise. That's what Santorum is saying. And it's basically irrefutable. Liberals HATE that fact, but it's fact nonetheless.
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